Historic Daily Generation Details

I have many years of my generation which has been output to PVOutput. Today I wanted to check back and compare today’s generation with a day in January from a previous year. So on the daily generation page I used the numbered pagination links to browse and find the given day, when I click to see the details for that day I’m taken back to the list of daily outputs.

I noticed that this is the case for all dates last year, my system was offline from March 24 to December 24. Since it has been back online (approx 30 days) I can drill down and see the 5 minute interval generation details for each day, but the last day before my system went offline - 31st March (and all dates before this) doesn’t open the daily details.

Are the daily details only available for most recent dates - I’ve never previously tried to drill down on historic dates so not sur if this is something I just missed?


It would be easier to type in the date you wish to compare in the search box in the format YYYY-MM-DD then select the compare option.


The 5-minute daily data is available for up to 180 days into the past, for donation enabled accounts there is no limit.