Health Metric Calculation

How is the health metric calculated? I don’t believe the documentation describes it. I have seen some comments that suggest that it could simply be the number of days since install divided by the number of days with data present. Is this correct? Thanks!

Pretty much - think of it as the ‘heath’ of your regular uploading to PVO, rather than the health of your system generation. If you skip a few days that then don’t have any data, the health metric will reduce.

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It must be a little more nuanced, I’m new user but backfilled 2 months of outputs, and have been feeding live status for 2 days at 5 min intervals.

Graphs look great, data accurate, but health is red.

Ignore my situation, and compare these 2 sites near me, the one with less days and lower efficiency has stronger health? What is the missing data point?

@ctstark It appears looking a few random folks to be more a measure of “bank” or surplus than reporting health or efficiency. In my screenshot above the green user is reporting no consumption. All the orange/red etc are sites showing as mix of use and generation.

What is the ‘Install Date’ of your system? (in system settings just below ‘Additional Settings’ title)? Does your backfilled 2 months of data go all the way back to the Install Date?


It was a month shy, January was 100% snow coverage and I didnt bother to post the 0 production. Backfilling all 3 months and my health is 100%!

Thanks @willisave

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All good - in these dark times it’s good to stay as Healthy as possible!

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