I am trying to take data downloaded from ComEd in CSV format and upload to pvoutput (net metering) so I can see consumption along with my SolarEdge system. The data formatted like below. Do I need to do 5 minute intervals if my solar system is 5 minutes or can I upload 30 minute intervals for net metering?
If I have to do 5 minute intervals, would the formula be kWh *2 for the watts I was using that 30 minutes and use the same number for each of the readings between changes? I trued using kWh *2 with the 30 minute interval readings, but it appeared to be way off in kWh used for the day.
Electric usage,2020-07-30,00:00,00:29,1.02,kWh,$0.11,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,00:30,00:59,0.80,kWh,$0.09,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,01:00,01:29,0.84,kWh,$0.09,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,01:30,01:59,0.62,kWh,$0.07,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,02:00,02:29,0.85,kWh,$0.09,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,02:30,02:59,0.80,kWh,$0.09,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,03:00,03:29,0.86,kWh,$0.09,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,03:30,03:59,0.80,kWh,$0.09,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,04:00,04:29,0.80,kWh,$0.09,
Electric usage,2020-07-30,04:30,04:59,0.92,kWh,$0.10,