I’ve noticed a difference in the efficiency value returned from getstatus depending on the value of the history parameter.
With h=0:
POST to /service/r2/getstatus.jsp: {'h': 0, 't': '12:00', 'ext': 0, 'd': '20170819', 'limit': 1, 'asc': 1}
HTTP response: 200 (OK): 20170819,12:00,11283,2141,NaN,NaN,0.240,27.0,408.6
With h=1:
POST to /service/r2/getstatus.jsp: {'d': '20170819', 't': '12:00', 'asc': 1, 'ext': 0, 'h': 1, 'limit': 1}
HTTP response: 200 (OK): 20170819,12:00,11283,1.266,2141,5496,0.617,NaN,NaN,27.0,408.6
For h=0 it seems like efficiency is calculated as power generation / system size, while for h=1 it seems to be energy generation / system size. Is this as expected?
System id above is 46706.