Get Extended Service - 5-minute values

I intended on using the Get Extended Service to grab the data and if the data is wrong to reboot the pi that’s sending the data as a reboot fixes it and was also hoping to replace the incorrect data with 0.0 for the affected results
But what data does it grab as it doesn’t have the time stamp?
I feel like I cant get the extended data and replace the data if the results are wrong

My hot water system records the temps but when it errors it shows a reading over 200. so I have to manually reboot the device and manually fix the errors.

Get Extended Service

The Get Extended service retrieves system daily extended data.

Service URL



This service accepts GET requests with the following parameters -

Parameter Field Required Format Unit Example
df Date From No yyyymmdd date 20210201
dt Date To No yyyymmdd date 20210228
limit Limit No number 50

Where no date range is specified, the most recent system extended data will be retrieved.

Success Messages

The following comma delimited data is returned in the message body -

Each daily record is separated by a semi-colon.

1 20210228,67.4,825.321,349.0,1105.0,1115.0,-12.3

The data specification is shown below -

Field Format Unit Example
Date yyyymmdd date 20210228
Extended Value v7 number User Defined 67.4
Extended Value v8 number User Defined 825.321
Extended Value v9 number User Defined 349.0
Extended Value v10 number User Defined 1105.0
Extended Value v11 number User Defined 1115.0
Extended Value v12 number User Defined -12.3

Restrictions and Limitations

  • The value NaN will be returned where a numeric value does not exist
  • The maximum number of daily records returned is 50
  • The requesting system must have Donation mode enabled

The response data is for the extended data daily summary rather than the 5-minute data.

Getting the extended data 5-minute data via API would be an enhancement.

The 5-minute extended data is available with ‘Get Status’ API by adding ext=1 request option, this provides all 12 fields (v1-v12) in the response.


I ended up editing the code (wasn’t mine) that sends the data to pvoutput to just do what needs to be done if the values are incorrect. it could backfire and create a never ending reboot loop every 5 minutes though :open_mouth: working ok so far… not sure if ill even know if it reboots…

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