Fronius stopped logging consumption

Hi All, as of 7pm last night (22/11/22), my consumption data seems to have stopped recording. It also dropped voltage. My Fronius 5.0 seems to be working well through it’s internal web interface, and the push service is saying successful. I’ve rebooted the the data logger. Any ideas?

Hi Yorky,

Access to your consumption data has been blocked to non-specified users. I have done the same thing too.

Were you logged into PVO when you tried to view the Consumption data? I’ve been caught out by this before.


Yup, logged in. It is showing the previous day, however it suddenly stops at 7pm.

I am having a similar problem. Since 10pm last night 22/11 voltage is not recorded and consumption only updates at hourly intervals with the log data update.

Nothing changed at my end though I did recently renew my donation.

It is fixed

There was some network maintenance at the data centre PVOutput was hosted at which caused some connectivity issues.

The maintenance is complete now and things should be back to normal.