Sending to PVOrg is not required.
Set up your Fronius Solarweb account and get the premium option (it’s free).
For it to work though the inverter needs to be connected to the internet via your wifi (or in some cases directly via an ethernet cable). Installer should have helped set that up but there is a smartphone app on the weblink above you can use. It can also be done via a web browser app but it’s probably better to have an installer do that.
In Solarweb you can view the data from the inverter’s data logger including MPP data for each string, and you can also request a report covering a date span of your choice.
e.g. here’s an image from the analysis section of Solarweb showing the DC voltage and current from my 2 PV strings yesterday. You can also view the power output from each string and you can view today’s data up to the last log data point (log data might be half hour behind real time). Power data is available in real time but not split by MPPT.