Fronius MPPT 1 and 2 voltages and details

I’ve just got a Fronius Primo 5.0-1 installed.
I’m trying to get access to the MTTP1/2 string details with voltages and currents being produced by the two strings. I can access these details on the actual inverter box, but I can’t see how to query it via the JSON API.

Does anyone know how to do this ?

Hi, json api is not needed as the inverter has its own wifi built in, just access this using the Fronius data finder tool, set up your axcess on your home computer or whatever you would like to use and the inverter can then send your main data to PVORG using the pvorg help menue throught your home router, then to see voltages log on to enter you user name and pasword log on then click on history then enter a device and channels and it will then show all of the info you have asked about. jim

Sending to PVOrg is not required.

Set up your Fronius Solarweb account and get the premium option (it’s free).

For it to work though the inverter needs to be connected to the internet via your wifi (or in some cases directly via an ethernet cable). Installer should have helped set that up but there is a smartphone app on the weblink above you can use. It can also be done via a web browser app but it’s probably better to have an installer do that.

In Solarweb you can view the data from the inverter’s data logger including MPP data for each string, and you can also request a report covering a date span of your choice.

e.g. here’s an image from the analysis section of Solarweb showing the DC voltage and current from my 2 PV strings yesterday. You can also view the power output from each string and you can view today’s data up to the last log data point (log data might be half hour behind real time). Power data is available in real time but not split by MPPT.

Thanks for the info - I can now see my info on solarweb, very nice!

Just another thing - is it possible to read out this information in real time via the API ?
I can’t see how to do this at the moment, and the report to solarweb seems to be every hour, i’d like to get real time information. I can see this information on the inverter box display screen when cycling through the menu options available.


I don’t know if it’s available in real time. The data exists but whether there is an easy way to access it I’m not sure.

a few years ago i was given this inverter reader which also can display direct to PV,org for a duel MPPT inverter you use too of them, unfortunately i have never had the time and lack the program skills to make it work, its called a SGT Solar Inverter Viewer hope you can download it and it works for you,if so please let me know to do it as i would still like to use it now, down load perhaps from here jim

@jimdcollie - thanks for the links, but I wasn 't able to use this software to query the inverter. Possibly it is for other type of inverters.

It seems that fronius have not made this information available in real time.

Cant read it from the api. You need to do it via the modbus

thanks @B-Man. Do you know if there is any example of how to do this (or similar) via modbus ?

Send me ur email address.
Ill forward an email with everything i got from a bloke on whirlpool forums (i think)
Its way above my head and i havent had the time to start looking into it.
Once you set it up you can set mine up :rofl:

Hey B-Man, are you able to post the details here?
I’m interested in sending the MPPT 1 and 2 values as extended data here.

Hi - I’ve just had a new system installed with a Fronius Primo and was wanting to get this info too. It seems you can get this with a call to the GetArchiveData API - example below query which returns the data from my invertor

its a few attachments so i cant post them on here. Will see if i can host them somewhere.

I still havent got around to looking or setting it up. If anyone doing it can make a step by step that would be great.

Edit thats a new link i thought it was whats used for fronius.php but appears not. Also doesnt have power for for mppts. Could times amps by volts. But who knows what that data is

@mikepont - where did you find this API call described? I haven’t come across GetArchiveData before!

It’s frustrating the seperate MPPT values are not available from the API (that we know of anyway).
It would really help analyse 2 string systems against sun position data.
It’s obvious Fronius send this data to SolarWeb. We just want this available as push data.

I’ve emailed Fronius about this, maybe a few of you could also to prod a response out of them.

the MPPT data is averable from Frounis Solar web at 5 min past the hour ,perhaps someone could work out how to read this when it arrives at there computer and forward push it to PV,org ??

om page 57 it says Application interface

The Fronius push service application interface is a means for third parties to obtain data
from the Fronius push service.
It is not designed for user interaction.??? not sure what that means if you own the system,like it is only for Fronius to check the inverter perhaps,??

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Been looking at the Fronius user guide for push services.

I don’t know much about the file formats or communications protocols, but looking through them it seems as though both DC voltage and DC current for each string is part of the data contained in a log file push.

See page 49:
SolarAPI v1 - Logdata - Data

No idea if that helps.

perhaps but then it says this
on page 57 it says Application interface

The Fronius push service application interface is a means for third parties to obtain data
from the Fronius push service.
It is not designed for user interaction.??? not sure what that means if you own the system,like it is only for Fronius to check the inverter perhaps,?? or for a push direct to
like you say yes it may be possable to push string date to PV org as extended data, thank s

The API is here

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Thanks Mike - this is very helpful!