Fronius Log Data Push API / recalulate energy like solarweb


after analysing my fronius log datas via ftp push to my desktop I got following datas as an expample:

TIME Current_DC_String_1 Voltage_DC_String_1 EnergyReal_WAC_Sum_Produced Current*Volatage
9:50:00 0,16 674,3 4,825833333 8,990666667
9:55:00 0,19 686,8 6,787777778 10,87433333

The EnergyReal_WAC_Sum_Produced hereby is displayed in PVOUTPUT, the product of Voltage_String1 * Current_DC_String_1 / 60 * 5 is displayed in Solarweb (energy in 5 Minutes). In this case there is a major difference more than 70% in 10 Minutes.

Therefore I would like to suggest a feature in the fronius log data push api to use the
the product of Voltage_String1 * Current_DC_String_1 / 60 * 5 (of course for boths strings) to recalculate the produced energy.

I´m curious about your opions.

Best regards from wintry germany
