Fronius - Automatically fixing lost data

Sorry for creating a new thread. I am uncertain what exacty I need to do.

My Fronius Inverter has intermittendly lost connection with the home wifi, resulting in random data gaps for the past few weeks (maybe longer).

I know the steps of manually extract data from Solar Web and uploading to PV Output.

The problem is there is so much data missing now, I wanted to double check I cannot do a bulk check against Solar Web via the push/pull services?

Hi @darrinm81. You haven’t mentioned what model Fronius inverter that you have. If you happen to have a Symo or Primo then take a look at this thread

Be sure to use the latest version of the script. It will allow you to extract and manually upload daily blocks of data via the PVO website. Be sure to read all of the instructions so that the extracted data are correctly interpreted and uploaded.

Good Luck

Thanks @grannos

I did read through that thread. Did I understand correctly that the php code extracts the data for a particular data range; and then presents back in a clean format to manually upload using PV uploader?

Is it able to compare your PV data and identify gaps? Or will the bulk uploader make a decision or keep or update?

My problem is I have intermittent gaps where I actually am unsure of what days are impacted or not.

Should I just do a day-by-day extract & upload?

I’m running a primo 5.0.1 with a smart meter. It was running perfectly until recently.

Hi. The PHP code extracts the data from the Fronius in a CSV format so that it can be pasted directly into the PVO Live Loader. The Live Loader only accepts a single date at a time and a maximum of 288 records at a time. This corresponds to 24 hours @ 5 minute intervals.

The simplest option would be to simply replace entire days ( overwrite the existing data ). This is especially so if the data you have already uploaded are quite intermittent. You could just upload the missing data but it could be a slow and painful process.