Format of DATE parameter


is it possible that PVOutput accepts the d parameter in yyyy-mm-dd format too (or no date neede for status updates)? My small device does send the correct time but not the correct date…\

Thank you!

As far as I know if you give PVOutput a date in the wrong format it won’t work. You could request that as a feature, but I think this is something simple that your uploader should be able to do (removing dashes is pretty simple).

You can check out this thread here talking about the date being optional: Adding generation/Consumption - Add Status API use current time if no timestamp provided


I was the one who started the discussion as idea. The debugging is a bit difficult, I think I would have to build an own server to see what the device is posting. I only can define a line so that the device puts values and send them to the specified server.

It is that I love for having so many possibbilities.

Use instead

This won’t be supported.

Ok. Thanks. The maker of the device will change the format so it fits in the next fw for the decice.


An update: the new format has been implemented by the tinycontrol maker. Nice to have one small and cheap device that is working together with pvoutput!

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