Flukso Off Line


It looks like the Flukso site may be off line for good, I hope not but things are not looking good.

I have started doing some reseach to find an alternative solution to continue uploading to PVOutput, which I have done so since 2011.

I would be interesed to hear what other Flukso users are considering as a replacement solution.

Look forward to hearing from you.


I also have been using Flusko since day one and it has been so simple and worked great from the 1st day I installed it.

I also am now looking for a replacement solution.


also looking for a solution.
im trying to repurpose my RPi2 to add home assistant to send the flukso data but i cant get it running as its unsupported.
im hoping there’s some sort of python or php script that can do the same thing but unable to find anything!

the only real option at the moment is running home assistant and grabbing the data from the flukso and sending it to output or replacing the device…
with what i dont know?

Has there been an official announcement?

its been down for about a week and there’s been basically no support on the flukso forums for a few years. im surprised they are still up tbh

I have got a semi working flukso mqtt to pvouput python script running on my pi. its a bit messy but looks like its working, will need to give it a day of data to see how it goes and definably needs a bit of fine tuning before releasing it to the public.

If there’s anyone proficient in python that’s willing to help me out it would be great

B-Man, your script sounds very interesting, when you are ready I would be very interested to know more, so please keep us in the loop, will do likewise if we come up with a working solution.

Such a script running on my NAS to redirect data to PVOutput sounds promising.

I notice even the web page to flukso.net is now not responding, so things have only gotten worst.

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yes have seen the flukso site is now down, I definitely feel like its not coming back now.

my script is getting there im limited to a few hours of testing every night and waiting 5 minutes to see if something worked as expected or not. im hoping it will be released in about a week. I will definitely be releasing it soon. even if it has a few issues i can solve them and update accordingly.

I have a basic version that averages the power reading over the 5 minutes rather than the live which I prefer. it just does 1 sensor and uploads that’s it. but for some reason it stopped outputting after 14 hours and the pi was non responsive and required an unplug reboot.

I have added a few extra features that IMO are quite handy. like multiple sensors (I only have 1 sensor so don’t know if/how its going to work with multiple),specify where the data is going V1-V12 and able to adjust the values before they are sent, its implemented but I haven’t tested yet.
and backlog where if it doesn’t send successfully it saves the data so it can try again later. nothing worse than missing a bunch of data when the server goes down… this way it will fill the gaps if the pi and flukso are still running.

once I have sorted a few bugs I will run it on my parents system that also has a flukso. that’s if the pi I have setup there can handle it. and will use that to make sure my readme is correct and will post a link to the github page.

the code might be messy but anyone that knows what they are doing will be fine and anyone that doesn’t hopefully my readme will be good enough to get it going.

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Hi B-Man, will await the outcome of your script, however I have done some more reasearch to help choose a solution if for any reasson it does not work for me. I currently run two Flukso units, one V2 unit and a V3 unit. I also run a NAS 24HR a day which runs HomeAssistant, The two options that I am also considering at this date are as below.

Option 1

Using a ESP32 Node MCU-32 with a daughter board (6 port ESP32 Energy Meter Board)

This would do the data monitoring

Use Home Assistant running on my NAS to run “ESPHome”.

This would store and display the usage within different views within Home Assistant

One would then have to create a script which ran on a schedule on my NAS/Home Assistant to upload the live data to PVOutput if I choose to keen PVOutput updated.

Option 2

Using a Raspberry Pi4 and a power monitoring daughter board with this emonP1 unit.

This unit would monitor usage and store data on the RaspberryP1 and use the EmonCMS software, which would also provide the web interface to display the data.


One would then have to create a script which ran on a schedule on the Rasberry Pi to upload the live data to PVOutput if I choose to keen PVOutput updated.

Both the options above would not use my existing Flukso units. Does your scriot you are working on use the existing Flukso units or other hardware that you have. This would help in my final decesion.

Look forward to your feedback once you have had time to evaluated the script you are working on.

my script uses my current flukso and the script is just running on a rpi2 that I currently have to record my hot water (solar evacuated tubes), runs a corsproxy server so I can use http://fronius-powermon.duckdns.org/ for live readings of my solar and consumption

its a python script so can be nearly run on anything if your handy. but very easy to run if using linux
and a pi is perfect for it.

if your running home assistant you can use your current flukso to send data to pvoutput via the mqtt (same way my script works) in home assisntant with a mqtt addon. dont ask me how but there is some information about it out there.
no need to replace the flukso, thats the whole point of creating this script.

Hi B-Man
Thaks for your input to this. I am waiting patiently for your help to get this going on my current Flukso :slight_smile:

@Bankstown Bloke. We (members) have been trying to contact the Flulso site owner (Bart) for a couple of years now but he never replies. Im guessing the certs ran out and thats that. He hasnt sold any units for years either but there must be 1000’s out there.
A couple of members a few years ag made their Flukso work on HA to PVoutput from the original Flukso in the switchboard without needing to go thru the home site so it is possible. But now the forum has also gone the scripts are lost with them.
Hopefully they see this thread on here and can help complete newbies with HA like me.

I’m very close to getting a working script, well its working and has been for the last few days but not finalised as adding some features and tidying it up quite a bit. I have finalised a few issues I have had so very close to testing my readme on my parents pi and flukso setup and then release it if all goes well. hopefully not too far away.

you will need to organise a Raspberry Pi (I have a 2b running Raspbian bullseye and its working fine on that) but I cant see it not working on any Pi with any raspbian image. or literally any other device (preferably linux) that can run python and a few other dependencies and that runs 24/7
my parents pi is a 1b with an unknown raspbian image so will see how that goes.

the home assistant code is this I did save it for future use but as I couldn’t get HA working on my pi2 so I cant use it.

In the situation that the Flukso Server ever stops, Home assistant can send automatically to PVOutput - I have it setup this way “just in case”. Basically, you leave PVOutput configured to obtain the readings from the Flukso API, and in parallel you use the following code to send the same data to PVOutput via Home assistant. If Flukso API goes down it will be supplemented by the Home Assistant data and vice versa.

Note- This is documented in the PVOutput site here:

# For PVOutput sending          
    sensor average_production:
  - platform: average
    name: Mqtt Production Average
#      # supports seconds, minutes, hours, days
#      #days: 1
#      hours: 3
      minutes: 5
      - sensor.mqtt_production
sensor average_consumption:
  - platform: average
    name: Mqtt Consumption Average
#      # supports seconds, minutes, hours, days
#      #days: 1
#      hours: 3
      minutes: 5
      - sensor.mqtt_consumption
    method: POST
    url: <a href="https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp<br />
" title="https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp<br />
">https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp<br />
</a>    headers:
      X-Pvoutput-Apikey: "your long api here"
      X-Pvoutput-SystemId: "your pvoutput system id here"
    payload: 'd={{now().strftime("%Y%m%d")}}&t={{now().strftime("%H:%M")}}&v2={{states.sensor.mqtt_production_average.state|round(0)}}&v4={{states.sensor.mqtt_consumption_average.state|round(0)}}&v5={{states.sensor.clientraw_temperature.state|round(1)}}&v6={{states.sensor.mqtt_voltage.state|round(1)}}&c1=1'
    content_type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Add the following Automation as well:
Add this to automations.yaml

- id: '1670815888407'
  alias: PVOutput Uploader
  description: Uploads values to PVOutput
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /5
    seconds: '0'
  condition: []
  - service: rest_command.pvoutput_generation
    data: {}
  mode: single

@bazzle @cwjames @nomorepowerbills

The script is up! nothing like a nearly full day (nearly 2am now) to get this finished! hope you guys can utilise it!

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B-Man - Looks like you have been busy. Will read your post carefully to get a understanding of how its all comes together. Noted that it uses the existing Flukso hardware, very interresting !

Will read your posts carefully to get up to speed, thanks again for sharing this information.

The Flukso Forum is back up… :slight_smile:

Cant see data though on Dash page.

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Yes I noticed that very early this morning

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Scripts etc to use existing Flukso and an rpi to send data to pvoutput. Works well :+1:
Thanks to B-Man

Flukso site is back up btw

Flukso v3 are working but v2 are not
There is a hack to get the v2 to work. By editing a file on the flukso

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Now showing v2 as well (at least early this morning …
im going to keep using the rpi script now on though …

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