Felix Solar Log no longer in Play Store

Yesterday Felix Solar stopped uploading to PVOutput. I wasn’t able to check it out until today when I noticed the following after rebooting my tablet and attempting to restart Felix Solar:

Attention unable to verify license

I was able to upload if I could beat the message but once the message would appear my connection was dropped.

I then decided to go to Play Store and find the paid version of Felix Solar Log but there sre no signs of it on Play Store.

Thinking I was out of luck with Felix, I was going to grab a screen shot of the message to attach here but noticed the Felix app started working again as normal.

Totally flumixed!


I’ve been having the same issue for a few days. Just checked again and I’m still unable to connect to my system or get past the error message. :frowning:

Same for me. I’ve sent an email to the app developer, Steven.


Same problem.
Any alternative app?

Got a reply from the app developer, Steven:


Apologies for this. The licence verification is handled by Google.

Yesterday I got an email from Google asking for ID verification. It appears they have removed the App until that is resolved.

I have provided all information they have requested, hopefully they process it quickly and restore everything to how it should be.

Kind regards

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Thankyou. I just tried. I manually do my solar checking via this app once every 3 to 4 days and then got the error as above.

Hopefully will be up again soon in a day or so.

Fingers crossed thanks for the info…stopped my heart attack!

Hi all

Found a workaround if others need help whilst google do their thing.

-Turn on to flight mode and disconnect wifi
-Turn on Bluetooth
-Open Felix Solar PV Log
-Connect to Inverter via Bluetooth and download logs
-Turn on wifi and off flight mode
-Upload to PV Output manually via the menu

This gets around the initial DRM check the app does.

Mark213 Thanks for the workaround. Oddly, Felix has been working fine for me since I first posted this problem

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It’s all working again now. App is back in the app store

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