Is it possible to set a static IP address as a user (or via Enlighten manager as a DIY installer) or do you have to get the installer to do this (asked them to do this and gave them a reserved address, the subnet mask, gateway and DNS servers when they installed the system a few days ago but they set it up with a dynamic address).
I had a play today and found out how to change the to a different SSID (had to get a range extender as the connection kept dropping out), but couldn’t see anything that allowed switching to a static IP.
The reason is that I have had issues with my modem router not assigning dynamic IP addresses (router was replaced under warranty but I suspect that the issue will re-appear). I also currently use the home page quite a bit and it’s a pain trying to find the ip address (router often doesn’t show all connected clients). Changing the router isn’t really an option as it’s one of the few that have VOIP included, it’s also the one that the ISP pushes (comes with lifetime warranty).
P.S. my first post