Hello I wondered if anyone could give me some advice or even better a solution.
I’ve been uploading data for a few years without any trouble with a Arduino board. In november I lost my energy used data completly when I swapped to a PZEM-016 to get raw data (from previously recording the pulse from my electric meter). I still upload with a modified arduino code and all the other data seems to be fine.
I’ve got a serial print of the data sent to PVoutput, and even if I send this manually through the web browser it comes back as “OK 200: Added status” so the data is accepted but v3 value data doesn’t get stored even though it is increasing during the day.
here is an example of what it sends with my key hashed out:-
PVoutput seems to be making up its own values of bwtween 0.038 to 0.004kwh from 12:05AM, some days it goes up a little during the day, sometimes it stays at this value.
I was playing around with it at the weekend on sunday sending stuff manually and it seemed to be doing something different and looked like it had the energy values even though it still was not storing the actual data I was sending, its very strange.
do I now need to add flags to this data maybe?
It also started happening around the time I suscribed to the Extended Data. I found this post which seems to describe the same behavior:-
is it a bug in the programming? I only have instantaneous data and cannot batch upload logs as was the solution in that case.