Eagle upload at wrong time

From sometime on the 16/7 the data upload from my eagle has been coming in at the wrong time - I am unaware of myself changing anything - The Eagle still has the correct time - it is doing a direct upload to PVOutput using http://pvoutput.org/service/r2/eaglepost.jsp?sid=49924
and I can see the data is still uploading but is being stored are the wrong time - 9:05am for 7:05pm GMT+10 (so its storing it uncorrected at 10 hour before my actual time)
maybe the eagle got updated software - I’ve set the timezone back to UTC - then realized that would probably either do nothing or set the data 20 hours ago
I tried changing my timezone on PVoutput to London but my fronius has gone off line so I now am not uploading any data
So at this moment my Eagle and PVoutput have London timezone, and my Fronius is offline

The PVOutput timezone is set to Europe/London but the system is located in Victoria, Australia.

Both settings need to be consistent.