EAGLE-200 data timestamp issue

My Rainforest EAGLE died and I’ve replaced it with the EAGLE-200. There’s very little documentation and there appears to be no way for me to configure it to upload data to WattVision. My understanding is that feature may come but it’s not available right now. I’ve been working with Rainforest Automation Support and they’ve configured the EAGLE-200 to post usage data directly to PVOutput. It’s working but the problem is that the data is incorrectly time stamped and is 8 hours ahead of the current time. I asked Rainforest if they were able to fix it for me and I got this response:

The EAGLE’s timestamps are recorded as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). This is known as UNIX Time and is common for embedded Linux devices. Check with your third-party provider to see how they intemperate timestamps. Since you are on Pacific Time, which is 8 hours different from UTC, that will explain the discrepancy.

Is there a setting that I can adjust to correct this so that everything gets aligned?

Does the timezone setting here help you at all?


Interesting to hear that Rainforest have set up PVOutput directly for you. Added it myself on my original Eagle and it seemed far more reliable than any of the Auto Uploader methods (Eagle/Wattvision).


The tz push setting will tell PVOutput which timezone to use, when not present UTC is used.

e.g. eaglepost.jsp?sid=[system_id]&key=[api_key]&tz=US/Pacific

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Thank you very much. This looks to be exactly what I need and I’ve passed it onto Rainforest Automation support. It’ll probably take them 24 hours to respond but this certainly looks good.

Rainforest Support have now added “&tz=Greenwich” and I’m struggling to see if that’s corrected the issue or not, since there is already data into the future, so to speak. I tried deleting data using the “Delete live data for current date” but that seems to only remove the generation data from the PV Array, leaving whatever has been sent from the EAGLE-200. I guess I’ll have to wait till 4pm local time to determine if we’ve moved to a new day.

I’ve spent a few days with Rainforest Eagle Technical Support trying to fix the timestamp issue from the EAGLE-200 and it’s driving me crazy. All my data is now completely messed up. I’m considering just returning the EAGLE-200 until they have their shit together with a user interface for me to mess it up. I don’t need pros doing it when I’m sure I could do just as good a job.

Where would you start fixing this??

Probably wait for the new day since changing the timezone midway through would have caused some issues.

There will be an enhancement in the future to handle these types of scenarios.

It was never right with them configuring posting directly to PVOutput and I got sick of the slow back and forth and told them to turn it off. It was turning into a major PITA. I had them turn the WattVision feed back on and everything is now back to normal.

I also have the Eagle 200. Rainforest Support was able to hookup to Wattvision. I push to Wattvision and then have PVOutput pull from Wattvision. Times appear correct.

EDIT: There is also a default timezone in the portal you can change. Not sure if that impacts API output, but would align so no issues,


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