Does the Rainforest Eagle 3 work well with PVOutput?

I am thinking of buying a Rainforest Eagle 3 to replace my very old Legacy Eagle now that Rainforest has stop supporting it.

Doe the Eagle 3 work well with PVOuput? Or should I just stick with my Legacy Eagle until it dies. (I’m on my 2nd one after the first one died, so I know it’s just a matter of time.)


I’ve been having trouble with mine. I got the new v3 to replace an OG v1 that refused to connect to my meter after many years.

The v3 is almost identical to the v2 software wise, but when I start exporting solar power it’s sending a negative value to pvoutput, but pvoutput doesn’t like the formatting of the negative number. I’ve raised it with Rainforest but they won’t get back to me.

Eagle is sending a hex value in the xml of 0xfff4fc which is -2820 W
PVO return an error when it sees that as it (aparently) thinks it’s 16774396 W

Thanks for replying.
That sucks.
I guess I’ll hold off on the V3 until my OG v1 dies…
Let us know if you ever get your problem resolved.