Data being uploaded typically between (UTC+2) 10am and 01pm not showing everyday despite being posted automatically? Is this possibly due to database congestion? or Backups or?

Hello All,

A problem we see often but not everyday, is that somewhere between 10am - 1pm during the day that our uploaded data is not showing in the data, its almost as if the entries which are automatically uploaded are being lost or not recorded?

Here is a screenshot of the problem, and it appears to occur most days but not all.

Rows missing between 10:30 and 12:50

looks like a simple internet down fault, i some times have the same thing myself. Jim

Thanks, we also considered this, but we have a fiber 200mbps and Wifi 10 mbps link each link to an alternative isp, with load sharing and redundancy and do not experience any outages around these times, as we are working from home, and use voip lines as well.

We also thought it maybe a internet link congestion issue, but with two links running around 30% utilisation it seems unlikely?

Will probably just have to accept that some entries are lost along the way, which fortunately does not seem to impact the over all stats and values.

Also check that the data has been collected from the inverter between these times. There may be a bug in the upload script where the same old timestamps are being sent.