Daily view uses an old tariff

I use the daily view to see how much my daily savings and so forth are tracking.
I thought I was “saving” a bit much and worked it out that it is calculating this figure based on an old Tariff. It also seems to use the old Tariff to calculate other fields.

However, balance is correct. Or at least it matches what is displayed in “Live” view which does seem to use the correct Tariff.

I’m fairly sure I’ve set something up wrong but am unsure what it is. Would appreciate any insight!

The ‘Saved’ field is a calculated field that uses default tariff data which may be different if the system is using tariff plans.

Balances (credit / debit) are recorded against each day and uses the active tariff plan for that date.

There are no plans to support ‘Saved’ amounts when using tariff plans.

That’s a shame. The “saved” amount is really useful to know when calculating ROI

Look in the Help section. Some tarief settings are only for paid members, although the yearly fees are not high