Daily data send to my email adress

Hello, i am new here but i have the pvoutput along time now.
I have a question about sending the daily generated data every day to my email adress .
Is this possible?
My logger sends data by port 25 but my host Ziggo closed that port so i get my daily kWh not in my email box.
I have first look here in the community but could not find something.
Sorry for my bad english writing.
Thanks for any tips and trucs hopefully someone can help me.
Greetings from Paul out of th Netherlands.

I think you can send a weekly report accessed via your system settings. unsure if you can do daily
you could also just have a browser window setup to view the daily chart?


The easiest option is to just visit your PVOutput system page.

what is your inverter?
I know sma does daily emails and im 99% sure you can configure fronius to do the same.