Current cost documentation and gasmart setup

I know this Current Cost kit is a bit old now and I have just had a fight with the technology to reassign my gasmart to a different “sensor”.
Does anyone understand the difference between the pairing methods? One says press the button on the transmitter once, another says for “instant power view” press it 3 times. It always talks about “display screen 9” well is it ONLY 9 or can any screen be a alocated to this “DATA” setup?
What is the difference between simple pairing where you can see the figures on the screen, and the method which ends up with “DATA” on the assigned sensor? Is it something to do with the type of cable sensor you have? eg if it’s a pulse count sensor its one type if an analogue cable clamp it’s another. I just cannot understand the documentation. Here’s a sample extract…

Setting up your EnviR – OptiSmart Reader Monitor
Setting up your EnviR display

  1. Unpack the product. Plug the display screen into its mains adapter, and plug the mains adapter into a wall outlet.
    The display screen will start working and probably show dashes instead of numbers.
  2. Plug the wire from the OptiSmart reader into the white OptiSmart transmitter box. Rotate the aerial on the white
    OptiSmart transmitter to the upright position.
  3. Remove the plastic battery tab from the back of the white OptiSmart transmitter unit; the transmitter will now be
  4. The Sensor’s red light will start to flash every 6 seconds.
  5. For the next step, you will need some information about your electricity meter. On its faceplate look for a label
    that says ‘xxxx imp/kWh’ and note the number.
    Pairing the EnviR display and transmitter – electronic meter ‘appliance 9’ screen
  6. Place the white OptiSmart transmitter and the display screen in the same room.
  7. Using a used match, pen or similar, push and hold the small button in the hole on the front until the LED on the
    white OptiSmart transmitter has flashed once, then release.
  8. The LED will start to flash faster for about a minute.
  9. At the display, use the UP or DOWN buttons to reach the ‘appliance 9’ screen. Now press and hold
    the DOWN button until the display’s red LED flashes, then release the button. The display screen 9 will pair
    to the transmitter. This will show 1000 (default imp/kWh)
  10. If the number is different from the imp/kWh on the electricity meter, use a used match, pen or similar to press and
    release the small button in the hole on the sensor so that the number changes.
    (The options are 100, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 3200, 4,000, 5,000, 10000.)
    After about a minute, the transmitters LED will revert to flashing once every 6 seconds. The display’s appliance 9
    screen will now say ‘DATA’. If the transmitter fast flashing stops before you are ready, do the Electronic Meter pairing again from Step 1.

Display/Sensor pairing 2 – Main screen (Energy ow Data)

  1. Place the white OptiSmart transmitter and the display screen in the same room.
  2. Using a used match, pen or similar, push and hold the small button in the hole on the front until the LED on the
    white OptiSmart transmitter has flashed three times, then release.
  3. The LED will start to flash faster for about a minute.
  4. At the display, use the UP or DOWN buttons to reach the main screen (this is the screen that shows
    Temperature and Time). Now press and hold the DOWN button until the display’s red LED flashes, then
    release the button. The main display screen will pair to the transmitter, clear and then revert to normal operation.
  5. After about a minute, the sensor LED will revert to flashing once every 6 seconds. The displays main screen will
    now show ‘0 Watts’. If the transmitter’s fast flashing stops before you are ready; start from the beginning again.

Why appliance 9?- I already have appliance 9 occupied by my whole house power use, so can I use a different appliance number, or can “appliance 9” handle multipe inputs? and what does “Display/Sensor pairing 2 – Main screen (Energy ow Data)” mean do we do both pairing 1 and pairing 2? All very obtuse. If anyone has any clues it would be very helpful. In particulat the setup for a Gasmart transmitter ie “one flash, 2 flashes or 3 flashes” etc.

I have one of those for General Electric consumption (main screen) and solar (screen 9).
Now at this point I’ll warn you my advice is poor, like my memory. Over the years I have had issues when the batteries have gone flat and somehow (not always) unpaired. I vaguely remember using the screen 9 instructions, they didn’t work for screen 9, so I used main screen instructions on screen 9! But I know it did work once before. I’ve been using this kit for about 13 years now and as I don’t know of any other device I could buy, plug and play, I’m kind of stuck with this.

Ok so I don’t think I’ve he,ped at all here, but I would suggest firstly using screen 9 instructions on another screen and see if it works and failing that, use main screen instructions on another screen. The worst thing that can happen is it won’t work.