Consistently missing power data?

Hi everyone!

I use the Enphase auto-uploader to get my production and consumption data, and I’ve noticed that I seem to have no power usage getting reported for 12:10 AM and 12:15 AM, each and every day. It just reports “0 W”, even though every other 5 minute time entry interval some minimal amount of power usage. It’s just 12:10 AM and 12:15 AM that are missing.

Here’s an example:

This seems to have happened since I changed my status interval time from 15 minutes to 5 minutes on 3/3/22. I’m not sure if this caused the loss of power usage being reported, or if this data was always missing but just being obscured by the larger 15 minute time interval.

Is there a way to see if this is an issue in reporting from Enphase’s API, or it it’s something else? Thanks so much!

Note that Enphase API consumption is always provided in 15 minute intervals. These intervals are divided into 3 equal 5-minute intervals on PVOutput.

As for the 0W power, the 12:00 to 12:15 interval probably had no increase in energy as it is unchanged at 0.031kWh.

There should be a CSV export facility on Enlighten to obtain the raw data to confirm.

Alternatively you can call the API directly -