Can't Reconcile Uploaded Data to PVOutput

I’ve been attempting to load some added data to my records, but the result in PVOutput does not seem to match the data i’m adding, nor does all the data seem to upload. I’ve included a selection of records I’m uploading.

curl -d “n=1” -d “d=20200701” -d “e=1269” -d “ip=6265” -d “io=4882” -d “is=4826” -H "etc
OK 200: Added Output
curl -d “n=1” -d “d=20200702” -d “e=1367” -d “ip=6373” -d “io=4551” -d “is=5115” -H "etc
OK 200: Added Output
curl -d “n=1” -d “d=20200703” -d “e=2295” -d “ip=6758” -d “io=4800” -d “is=4684” -H "etc
OK 200: Added Output
curl -d “n=1” -d “d=20200704” -d “e=1292” -d “ip=5017” -d “io=3914” -d “is=5292” -H "etc
OK 200: Added Output
curl -d “n=1” -d “d=20200705” -d “e=2345” -d “ip=7503” -d “io=3830” -d “is=6820” -H "etc
OK 200: Added Output
curl -d “n=1” -d “d=20200706” -d “e=761” -d “ip=6517” -d “io=5195” -d “is=7250” -H "etc
OK 200: Added Output
curl -d “n=1” -d “d=20200707” -d “e=2085” -d “ip=7063” -d “io=4944” -d “is=4629” -H "etc
OK 200: Added Output

The PVOutput for, say, date 20200707 is
Energy generated 6130
Energy exported 2085
Energy Used 20681
Import peak 16636
Import off p 0
Import shoulder 0

Any help appreciated.

This query only works if this is already either consumption or generation data. There should be a previous request that sent “g” and/or “c”

Also “n=1” is only used in Add Status.

Thanks @bankstownbloke.
The data from my inverter is automatically loaded to PVOutput every 5 minutes via a separate means.
The data I get from my energy supplier is always a day or two old, therefore there is always generation datapoints available for the additional consumption data to be matched against.

I’m not sure what is meant by “n=1 is only used for Add Status”. What is an Add Status?


‘Add Status’ is the API that sends 5-minute data
‘Add Output’ is the API that sends end of day summary data

The n=1 option is only used for ‘Add Status’, the uploaded samples are for ‘Add Output’

The resulting ‘Import Peak’ of 16636 is equal to all the TOU imports being sent (7063 + 4944 + 4629).

This means the system does not have any ‘Off Peak’ or ‘Shoulder’ time periods defined, so all imports will be rolled into ‘Peak’

The ‘Debit Rates’ for shoulder and off peak should also be entered.