Cannot see Wunderground temps

Hi folks!
I’m trying to get temperature data from Weather underground.
Here’s my setup: everything is working except temperature.

Looking at Wunderground API site, I see no calls to it :frowning:

What’s wrong, here? I’ve tried with many weather station and location, but no luck yet.

The wunderground api key is invalid. Double check the key or generate a new one on wunderground.

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Thanks so much, it was that easy!

For anyone interested and who may find this post in the future, the API key to use is not the one at the bottom (labelled “key”), but the one shown in the picture instead.

Looks like temperature is working now, you should change the Status Interval from 15-minutes to 5-minutes

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Is solaredge api call limit 300/day, right?
It would be awesome to have a 5 min resolution, but that would mean 288 calls a day. Many family members here regularly check solaredge app to manage loads. I’m estimating 10 times a day * 4 people.

Would this go beyond solaredge limits, or reading data through solaredge app is not taken into account for the 300calls/day limit?

The limit is IP based so downloads from PVOutput does not count towards your quota.

Also, the Polling Interval controls the frequency of downloads, this can still be kept at 15-minutes. The Status Interval should be changed to 5-minutes.

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Thanks soooo much, this was very clear!

So 5 mins for both Polling Interval and Status Interval comes really handy for my home automation project, so I’ll go that route!

Only one last problem: I’m using SolarEdge consumption meter, and setup secondary device accordingly. But last entries of “Power Used” are often empty. They get populated with some delay, compared to power generated. And since my home automation project is using pvoutput data to fetch these data, Power Used is always 0, and thus I can’t start thinking about automation for best energy use.

Here’s what I mean

Any tip? :slight_smile:

You would need to read the last positive consumption reading at 12:15AM instead of the last recorded reading.

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I’ll try to see If I can manage to get my home controller to do that.
I just wanted to be sure that my config is correct.
Is it possible that consumption data get sent only every 15 min?

Generation and consumption data is polled from Solaredge at the configured Polling Interval.

How often this data is retrieved from PVOutput is up to you.

It is best to start another topic as this discussion is unrelated to the original problem.

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