Can you Add a REGION filter to Live Outputs and PV Ladder

Can you add a filter of using the REGION on Live Outputs and PV ladder?
Yes I can get it by first going to Statistics, USA, New York but it is temporary and does not maintain if I want to come back to it without finding it again and ZIPs do not isolate us to NYS only as NYS has many zip codes in it not just one. I would presume other countries with REGIONS would use this same feature.

you can all ready do this i think,just click on the funnel under TIPS at top of page, enter to and from post codes and select country Jim
well like here postcodes ARE tied to regions

Like i said REGION. Putting zips DO NOT isolate to NYS alone. They are not sequential to NYS or a given state necessarily. I know about zips.

On the ladder you can list systems by region in a country.

For the USA -

Adding a filter by region may be considered in future.

Yep adding a REGION to the fileter icon directly would be more suitable and usable as an option to ZIPs since states in the USA have many zips and they are not nicely sequential so they can cross near by state boundaries.

The region/state filter has been added to the PV Ladder for countries -

  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • UK
  • US


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