Average Power Generation way off


So it seems as through my average power is much below the actual power and is affecting my total energy calculation.

I have a growatt 4200mtl and it is communicating via rs232 using pvbeancounter and the standard serial protocol (Non modbus).

Is there any way to stop this from happening or get rid of average power entirely and just do the calculations off actual power?


Average power is calculated from Energy.

If you stop sending energy then average power will no longer show.

I just checked PVBeancounter and it seems as though the only value i’m able to send is AC Yield.

I have been successfully downloading data from an Aurora PVI 500 OUTD inverter for some time now. This I have processed using a Raspberry Pi mini computer and using Aurora Monitor_1.07(the latest), as well as uploading it to PVOUTPUT.NET
Recently after updating that software on the Pi, I now get no data downloads anymore. The error message says that I am getting library clashes with 2 versions of wxwidgets, 2.8 and 2.6. I have tried reloading the Aurora software many times.
If anyone can help I’d greatly appreciate it.

I hope I’m on the appropriate topic here!

Sorry, the inverter is a 5000, not 500.