Auto upload date format


I am new here and am starting to get my system setup up correctly here.

One problem I have noticed today(the 2nd day on here) is that the envoy is uploading the data with the date format of mm/dd/yy and it is being displayed as dd/mm/yy and making what will be an interesting situation I assume.

I have set my date format in settings to mm/dd/yy
But no change

When I go to edit the days uploaded data it shows dd/mm/yy under the date field and i cant see a way to change it.

I tried manually editing the date but I only get a calendar popup which shows the correct date, and I can’t manually change the date only use the popup calendar.

Anyone have any ideas to help me out

Thank you

Updating the Date Format setting will change the date display format.

This does not affect the data entry format which is dd/mm/yy.