I have 4 systems on PVOutput:
84236 is de main system, pulling data from SolarEdge just fine.
At the moment I do overwrite this with a script using data I pull from SolarEdge monitoring website (daily, or less frequently, scripts started manually right now)
There are 3 ‘child’ systems:
86413, 86745, 86746
These only receive data via API pulled by my scripts from SolarEdge monitoring website (They represent groups of panels in the main system). I did have these configured as child systems initially, but de-configured that - all have parent system none now.
The data from the solaredge website is probably DC data before conversion losses, so they are not a good source for aggregating into the parent.
Unfortunately I have the impression some aggregation into the parent ‘Output’ is happening still. My scripts also load consumption data into the parent output; and this sometimes gets changed/cleared depending on when the ‘child’ system data I send in via API is processed (Which is quite rightly done async!)
Can anyone shed some light if I have misconfigured something? It all makes my uploads through the API unreliable, so have to repeat the Output update of parent system regularly