Incorrect consumption data

I am resubmitting this post because I think I mucked the topic and categories headers. Please accept my apologies.

System ID 45226. For approximately the last week on my Live Production page the Power Used (consumption) data mirrors the Power (generation) data meaning that the consumption data is completely useless. Generally this does not happen to the last few interval reading at the top of the page but the rest of the consumption data is incorrect. My data is obtained from Efergy and the data displayed at Efergy is correct.

Any help will be much appreciated,


The problem has been fixed, today’s graph below -

The config is a little odd as it is using PWER_GAC for consumption. PWER_GAC is typically for generation.

There has been recent change to the Efergy Auto Uploader to enable history downloads for the secondary power.

The history download for consumption was unfortunately reverting the PWER_GAC back to PWER. The fix was to allow PWER_GAC to be used for consumption.

Thanks, much appreciated.

bankstownbloke, where does your graph come from?

When a client has the Con set to anything else but PWER or the Solar not to PWER_GAC yes we have seen a few issues with PVOutput. And that is because it expects the system be it Efergy / Energyhive to be set up correct. So in case such as that delete the transmitter in question, then wait for at least half an hour. Memory in the system cause ghost transmitters etc. You will go around in circles. After half an hour scan and add the solar transmitter in this case correctly as PWER_GAC.123 example… Works every time for us… It pays to make sure you ALWAYS add the con as PWER and the sol as PWER_GAC and any sub circuits / 10A transmitters as PWER_SUB… LEt us not waste the time of BB as we have not set the system up correctly be it Energyhive / Efergy. Not having things set up correctly will distort the data stats on the Efergy / Energyhive dashboard. Why have a dash with incorrect data…