Trannergy invertor

I have a trannergy invertor and have a account in pvoutput , mij question is if i want to see the tempeature, pv output let see the temp. from the solar pannels , i want the temp from open weather map wher i have an api from.

Is it possible to see an other temp than the panel tenperature??

The temperature available to you is not from your solar panels but from the Inverter if your inverter has the required sensor. I don’t know of any system that has a sensor on a panel. The inverter temperature depends on how much power is being inverted, placement of the inverter and how much airflow is present. I have a solaredge inverter and have enabled Temperature which gives me the inverter temperature on my main page. If I upload my weather station temperature and do not disable this setting it will give mixed results showing both temperatures alternately as seen in the orange trace below.

You need to set a Weather Device. Keep the Primary Device setting as is.

I have a api from open weather map but pvoutput displayed the panel temp

when i test the api and city id he gives this : {“coord”:{“lon”:6.79,“lat”:52.92},“weather”:[{“id”:804,“main”:“Clouds”,“description”:“overcast clouds”,“icon”:“04d”}],“base”:“stations”,“main”:{“temp”:8.04,“pressure”:1022,“humidity”:75,“temp_min”:7.22,“temp_max”:8.89},“visibility”:10000,“wind”:{“speed”:9.3,“deg”:340},“clouds”:{“all”:90},“dt”:1553528813,“sys”:{“type”:1,“id”:1530,“message”:0.0053,“country”:“NL”,“sunrise”:1553491462,“sunset”:1553536401},“id”:2758621,“name”:“Borger”,“cod”:200}

but the temp in pv output says: 26,4 degree

Are you ‘pushing’ v5 from somewhere else to PVOutput? If you want to push the inverter temperature as well as the actual ( weather ) temperature you will need to use one of the Extended Data variables [ v7…v12 ] for the Inverter Temp.

Input Data

The rule has access to the following variables which can be used as part of the rule logic -

  • v1 - energy generation
  • v2 - power generation
  • v3 - energy consumption
  • v4 - power consumption
  • v5 - temperature
  • v6 - voltage
  • v7 - the raw v7 value
  • v8 - the raw v8 value
  • v9 - the raw v9 value
  • v10 - the raw v10 value
  • v11 - the raw v11 value
  • v12 - the raw v12 value
  • hour - hour of the day (0-23)
  • minute - minute of the hour (0-59)

Separate multiple rule statements with a semi-colon (:wink:

This seems to be the case.

The primary device should be Weather not Solaredge as you have a trannergy inverter that is uploading data directly to PVOutput including temperature.

However, you won’t be able to disable the temperature uploaded by the trannergy.

I think that i have not pushing a v5 i the document my settings what do i wrong.

Change SolarEdge to Weather, you don’t have a solaredge device.

Ok i will try that, thanks for the quick replay

I’m sorry to say but the temp is not realy good, somtime’s good and after that the program had the wrong temp.

This is due to the automatic upload from the Tranenergy sending temperature which will override the weather temperature.

An enhancement added soon ignore non-weather device temperature when one has been set.

The trannergy temperature upload is now ignored and only openweather temperature is used as per the below change -

Thans bankstownbloke for the sollution.