Powerwall 2 - Integration Service Failure

My system has been running well for a few years, using a Raspberry Pi to collect data from my Powerwall 2, and sending it to PVOutput.org

I have been using v of the integration service from here:

However, it stopped at around 19:10 on October 28.

There are errors in the log that are like this:

2024-10-28 19:14:57,061 INFO [Thread-1] (WebClient.java:226) - >>> https://x.x.x.x/api/login/Basic
2024-10-28 19:14:57,719 WARN [Thread-1] (DefaultRequestDirector.java:1095) - Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {}
2024-10-28 19:14:57,719 ERROR [Thread-1] (WebClient.java:298) - <<< [401] {“code”:401,“error”:“default password not supported”,“message”:“Login Error”}
2024-10-28 19:14:57,720 WARN [Thread-1] (PowerwallLogReader.java:77) - Failed gateway authentication
2024-10-28 19:14:57,720 INFO [Thread-1] (WebClient.java:356) - >>> https://x.x.x.x:443/api/meters/aggregates
2024-10-28 19:14:57,726 ERROR [Thread-1] (AHttpLogReader.java:472) - <<< [403] {“code”:403,“error”:“Unable to GET to resource”,“message”:“User does not have adequate access rights”}

If I try to access the Powerwall Gateway web interface, I am presented with a page with this message:
Switch to Tesla One for a better commissioning experience
The current experience is no longer supported

My Powerwall Gateway is running v24.36.2 46990655

Is there any solution to this issue?

There seems to be similar login problems reported at -

Thanks for the reply @bankstownbloke.

I’ll have a look in more depth at those posts, but on a very quick skim through, I thought I’d try using the full serial number, not just the last 5 digits. That didn’t work.

I’ll go off and read the entire topic and see what I can determine.

TBH, I expected there would be others here using a Powerwall 2 with the Integration Service I mentioned, and I expected others to advise they too were having issues. Maybe there’s something specific about my system occurring.

Just a follow up to this issue. It has taken me some time to get around to looking into this, but it seems to be fixed now.

The information that @bankstownbloke pointed me to seems to have solved the problem. Thanks again for that.

The problem was that the Tesla gateway now requires ‘strong’ passwords, and no longer accepts the default password established in the system (last 5 digits of the serial number). Following the information in the link, and resetting the password, has allowed my system to start seeing the API data again.

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Thanks for the update, it should be helpful for others.

The clue was probably in the error “default password not supported