Power consumption spikes every 15 minutes

I’m seeing power spikes exactly every 15 minutes, during power generation only, up to 2 kW. Any thoughts on whether this is a physical effect or a computation error of some kind? I have no appliances that would draw this during the day. The problem seemed to start on Jun 3.



It could be a problem with the Eagle history reporting increases in import/export between each 15-minute interval.

Try switching the history off to see if it makes a difference -


It is recommended to use Eagle Push instead of Eagle Auto Uploader.

Push sends data directly from the Eagle to PVOutput instead of going through the rainforest.com portal.

Example Eagle push config below -

Thank you for the response - I’ll try the settings you mentioned. That said, I haven’t touched my settings in over a year. Any idea why this would start spontaneously? Thanks again.

Do I need to add a new provider from the Cloud menu? I have a Legacy Eagle and not using Cloud currently.
Also, do I need to prefix the url with pvoutput.org hostname?

When I switch History Data to “Disabled”, it simply results in 0W readings - flat line, no data.

Adding the URL to new cloud provider PBCloud with URL:

results in Bad URL message from Eagle device.


Rainforest folks had trouble parsing the timezone variable but they seem to have fixed it. Will keep the results under observation… Still not sure what changed on June 3 when this all started.

The push URL details are good, but it doesn’t need the domain name etc.

  • /service/r2/eaglepost.jsp?sid=50713&key=[redacted]&tz=US/Central

There hasn’t been any changes that would have affected Eagle Auto Uploader since June 3rd.

I asked rainforest what they changed on June 3, we’ll see what they say. The data coming in appears fixed now, the spikes are gone and the baseline power draw looks reasonable.
See: https://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?id=56013&sid=50713&dt=20180712&gs=0&m=1
This the link I’m using for the cloud provider that’s working:
All of the other cloud providers have full URLs listed - why is that not required for pvoutput?
Thanks for the help.

This is based on the screenshot in the linked post -
