Hiding incomplete or orphaned systems?


Is there a global setting to hide systems with only partial or incomplete data (maybe orphaned systems) or systems that do not update daily?

Somehow such “black sheeps” worsen the comparability of systems - and that’s the purpose of this website, isn’t it?

How do the administrators deal with orphaned or abandoned systems? Is there some kind of deadline where they are automatically removed from the website?

Kind regards

There isn’t a global filter for such systems, but you can filter systems on the ladder without recent data.

Suggestion / Feature Reqeust:

Why not automatically degrade systems gradually from Active to Inactive and later to Decommissioned as longer the system is no more updated?

And then implementing a global filter for such systems?

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I’m quite sure, nearly nobody will do this by himself when his system comes to an end…

Kind regards

Its a good suggestion, changed this topic to an idea for later consideration.