Getting temperature from Wunderground

I’ve been logging temperature in PVOutput for quite some time by integrating with the data that I upload to Wunderground from my weather station. This has been working just fine until recently, when I noticed that the temperature curve had disappeared. Looking at Wunderground, I noticed that the API key had expired, so I generated a new one and configured PVOutput with that. Five minutes later, PVOutput downloaded all the data for that day and all was good.

However, now things are broken again. The temperature logging stopped after working for a day, and nothing I do seems to be able to bring it back. My weather station is uploading to Wunderground just fine:

I have double- and triple-checked that I am using the correct API key. There is no “Test” button in the web interface for Wunderground, so all I can see is that the data isn’t being logged.

Here is a day where things stopped, and again the same thing on the following day:

Checking the API Key usage on Wunderground matches those two days, and there are no other days since where Wunderground shows that the API key was used.

Either Wunderground is not working, or PVOutput has problems scraping the data. Is there any way for me to get to the bottom of this?



After noticing the invisible test link, I gave it a shot. I’m getting a good response back:

{“observations”:[{“stationID”:“IBRISB4293”,“obsTimeUtc”:“2024-09-02T07:49:08Z”,“obsTimeLocal”:“2024-09-02 17:49:08”,“neighborhood”:“Holland Park”,“softwareType”:“GW1100C_V2.3.4”,“country”:“AU”,“solarRadiation”:0.2,“lon”:153.082229,“realtimeFrequency”:null,“epoch”:1725263348,“lat”:-27.51761,“uv”:0.0,“winddir”:301,“humidity”:30,“qcStatus”:1,“metric”:{“temp”:29,“heatIndex”:28,“dewpt”:10,“windChill”:29,“windSpeed”:4,“windGust”:5,“pressure”:1009.99,“precipRate”:0.00,“precipTotal”:0.10,“elev”:50}}]}

Given this, why am not seeing the temperature curve for my system? Any suggestions?

There seems to be lots of errors and/or timeouts reaching this weather station. The weather download will be disabled after more than 24hrs of continuous errors.

The only way to re-enable is to edit the PVOutput system and save its settings.

Try another nearby weather station to see if the problem still occurs.

I just did that. Changed the API key to something invalid and, maybe a few minutes later, changed it back again. The Test link (which is visible now, thank you!) shows that a valid response comes back. But I still don’t see the temperature graph :frowning:

How can I add a different station if I need to enter an API key?

One of my neighbours also sends data to Wunderground, so I used his station ID with my API key. The Test link shows that good data comes back, but I also don’t get a temperature graph.

I have no idea what to try next :frowning:

Hi @michi.

I upload data from my PWS to Wunderground and also use it to populate my PVO data. My PVO settings look like the following. Aside from the STATION_ID and API KEY how do your PVO settings compare to mine?

Thanks @grannos!

For me, my primary device is a Flukso (which uploads just fine). I don’t have a secondary device, and my temperature data is set up as coming from a weather station:

What is really strange is that the Test link says things are working, but no temperature graph shows up.

Hi @michi,

I changed my STATION_ID to yours IBRISB4293. I let PVO run for around ten minutes with the new settings against my inverter. The ‘Temperature’ data have all been altered to yours. It’s only 15C here ATM. My displayed temperature now ranges from 19.4C at 00:05 to 24.4C at 08:35 AWST.

I used the TEST button located to the RIGHT of API Key dialogue and obtained the following results before and after I changed the ‘Station ID’.

{"observations":[{"stationID":"IPERTH1083","obsTimeUtc":"2024-09-11T00:31:31Z","obsTimeLocal":"2024-09-11 08:31:31","neighborhood":"Mount Pleasant","softwareType":null,"country":"AU","solarRadiation":null,"lon":115.846,"realtimeFrequency":null,"epoch":1726014691,"lat":-32.035,"uv":null,"winddir":158,"humidity":64,"qcStatus":1,"metric":{"temp":16,"heatIndex":16,"dewpt":10,"windChill":16,"windSpeed":0,"windGust":0,"pressure":1025.06,"precipRate":0.00,"precipTotal":0.00,"elev":35}}]}

{"observations":[{"stationID":"IBRISB4293","obsTimeUtc":"2024-09-11T00:32:52Z","obsTimeLocal":"2024-09-11 10:32:52","neighborhood":"Holland Park","softwareType":"GW1100C_V2.3.4","country":"AU","solarRadiation":814.4,"lon":153.082229,"realtimeFrequency":null,"epoch":1726014772,"lat":-27.51761,"uv":7.0,"winddir":55,"humidity":65,"qcStatus":1,"metric":{"temp":25,"heatIndex":25,"dewpt":18,"windChill":25,"windSpeed":12,"windGust":15,"pressure":1020.22,"precipRate":0.00,"precipTotal":0.00,"elev":50}}]}


This is so weird! I didn’t change anything. Yet, at 00:05 last night, the temperature graph suddenly started showing up again. I’ll report back if it goes AWOL again.

Thank you for your help debugging this!

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Hi @michi,

Have you tried clearing the browser cache? Maybe it’s just some electronic fluff on your computer / device.


@grannos Hmmm… Good suggestion, that can’t be ruled out. What makes me doubt it is that things started working again by themselves, without me touching anything.

Right now, about 23 hours later, temperature is still getting graphed. For the moment, I think I’ll leave things alone, to avoid muddying the waters further.

Hi @michi.

Fingers crossed then.


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