Flukso To Pvoutput - (bypassing the flukso server) - Script Discussion

Yep sensors and tokens in pvoutput

The script handles it all

Sensor 4299 needs to be v2
Sensor 3dba needs to be v4

Is yours at up as net?

Solar, on Primary

it looks like your system is generating solar at 11pm
not sure if your sensors are the wrong way around or your system is net metered.

im a bit lost on your setup.
I don’t really know what sensor is solar, what is consumption, where your clamps are located, whether its net metered or not.
if its setup correctly in the script

I don’t know if a rule can fix it or the script needs to add a net option…

i feel like
based off of the pvoutput screenshot

Sensor 4299 needs to be v2
Sensor 3dba needs to be v4

but with the setting as opposite would mean its setup as net generation i think? theres no documentation i can find about the opposite only add or subtract or both. @bankstownbloke ?
where if v2 > v4 its a positive number and if v4 > v2 its a negative number…
this makes me thing its net metered.

i guess first things first we need to get a baseline of what its showing and what sensors are doing what.

@bazzle il mio setup è come il tuo

I will swap the sensors in the script. …
Seems to of fixed it at the moment, will give it a bit more time then shout hoo roo :slight_smile:
Just need Temperature some how now.
All the help is really appreciated . :slight_smile:
No idea what all the scripts and calls do/did in rpi but i’m learning to fiddle :slight_smile: @Thanks B-Man

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@bazzle for temp look at Openweather One Call discontinued June 2024

Thanks, asked q there…

Hello, at last the rules seem to be working, thank you. however, another problem has been happening to me over the last two nights and that is that Flukso interrupts the transmission and I have to switch it off and on again to get it going again; this has never happened before. But shouldn’t the operation of Flukso be independent of this script?
thank you and have a nice day

as long as the flukso is sending mqtt data the script should work.
they are independent so the flukso shouldn’t interfere with it. are you posting the data to pvoutput from the flukso and the script?

I send the data from the script that collects it from l Flukso which lost connection during the night, this for two nights in a row without it having happened before. I do not know

As I was advised to do.
In pvoutput remove the sensor and token data.

System stopped 5:30pm on the dot.
Tried checking all the scripts I modified, Rebooted and tried again. Same issue. Wrote new sd card (bookworm 12) Been setting it up last 3 hours, just tried it… same error. Something wrong with Python?
Should I give your V3 a go?

Not sure what’s happening I have 3 systems using 3 different versions of the script and all still going.

Run the script python3 /home/pi/“script name”.py
Put the script name without the quotes.
And see what details it prints in terminal.
Maybe turn on debug in the settings part of the script and watch the log files.

You can try v3.1

Currently have 3.2 but I haven’t done any testing at all… only added net metering so shouldn’t have broken anything but :man_shrugging:

Are you using a new sd card or overwrote your current one?
Did your sd card get corrupt?

As for paho-mqtt not installing whatever you done last time to get it to work do that again.

I dont remember doing anything other than removing the weather api number I put into the xx.py and saving it. I checked and it still the same as the original but with my Flukso api’s.
When it stopped I wrote onto a new SD card and started again. Same error :frowning:
Im going to have a 4th go tonight but with your v3 maybe?
Do you have a link please? I can only find V2 New Version.
What version of Op system you using? Maybe I should look for that and try it?
My Bookworm is 64bit. I will try the 32 bit release.

If you’re pi is booting you don’t need to do another sd card. Load the old one up again.

I think your confusing the script for everything to do with pvoutput and the pi.

The pi and os (bookworm) are completely seperate.
Python, requests and paho-mqtt are just programs required for the script to work

The script is only the 4 or so files listed in github
A service file so it runs at start up
The actual script. ( the only thing you need too change once setup)
A debug log for issues
And the backlog incase it can’t send the data for some reason.

The script only sends flukso data. Nothing else. All other pvoutput stuff is controlled by pvoutput.

Try trouble shooting

Failing that just try a fresh copy of the script.
The python and paho-mqtt will still be installed

Just click the link at the top
Then branch patch-1 or 2

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@B-Man I see you have been very busy still, you must have spent a lot of time on this project.

I have done some more work on my draft Flukso Version document. The last configuration in the document uses a Flukso V3 with the current clamps on the inverter output and the grid connect line as there is system that I need to restore and the electrician installed them this way which makes the solution a little different. In short I have not tested that solution yet but will do so shortly to confirm the idea set out in the document is correct in principal.

The only new bit is the last line “v4”: “v2 – v12”, “v2 + v11 + v13”, if I have constructed the rule wrong I will soon know and will fix it in my document.

“v6”: “v6 * 1.126”,
“v2”: “v2 * 0.89”,
“v11”: “v12 * 0.89”,
“v12”: “v12 * 0.89”,
“v13”: “v13 * 0.89”,
“v4”: “v2 – v12”, “v2 + v11 + v13”,

I am not sure if the document will help others or not, its good for me to get it out of my head and onto paper for future reference, however othes may find my documentation confusing, we will see. The document is not to be used to replace your Rules_HowTo_F2VOdoes but compliment it.

I am still impressed with your script and the solution works better than it did before sending the data to the Flukso site for pvoutput to download, its now MUCH better.

Will let you know when I update the document.


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Just of the top of my head I don’t think the rules are in the correct format for v3

V3 needs the square brackets

    # "v1": ["v2 / 12"],  # Converts a live value ie. Watts to an energy value ie Wh...... but this is not needed as pvoutput already does this.
    # "v3": ["v4 / 12"],  # See above rule
    # "v2": ["v2 * 0.75"], # adjust the sensor readings by a multiplication of xxx to get teh correct reading.
    # "v4": ["v4 * 0.75", "0 if v4 < 300 else v4"],  # Applying 2 rules sequentially the first rule is done first then seperated by a comma, the second rule is applied.
    # "v8": ["v7 + 100"],  # Assuming v7 = 0 then v8 = 100
    # "v9": ["v8 + 100"],  # v8 = 100 from above rule so v9 = 200
    # "v10": ["v9 + 100"],
    # "v11": ["v10 + 100"],
    # "v12": ["v11 + 100"],
    # Add more rules as needed, (values update after each rule so you can use an updated value from one rule for the next rule) (the rules run from top to bottom).

@B-Man Oh dear, I have been mixing up v2 and v3 format all througth that document. Have corrected it and uploaded it again.

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This thread is getting very long. Should I start one for my issues?
Anywaystill the same error after a couple of clean rebuilds No module named “paho”
I am really stuck after fiddling around all last night and today :frowning: I rekon my brain tumor is growing back :slight_smile: Anyone got it working on a rpi 400 (4)
I wish I knew why it worked initially for a day?

This might be the answer;?? Waiting to see what happens.

         sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
In lieu of:     pip install paho-mqtt

![PAHO module not found 3a Fix |347x500](upload://w416L9V7FUN80YHWNT8i0r0PIuW.jpeg)