Flukso To Pvoutput - (bypassing the flukso server) - Script Discussion

I did wonder that myself.
At a guess maybe that’s where they are in the flukso?

It doesn’t matter where they go so not a big issue

@ciarly I am using the Pulse inputs NOT currents clamps on the Flukso if that was your question.
But I dont think it was. :slight_smile:
I believe I was instructed to use 2 and 4 earlier in this conversation?
BUT it seems to work. :wink:

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That was to use v2 and v4 as the pvoutput “v” values
Sensors can go anywhere.

I assume everyone would just use 1 to 5 in that order.

It’s working so don’t mess with it :ok_hand:


I also recommend setting up an idle system alert so if the script stops for some reason you can stop/start the service again…

edit your system and enable this

Good idea. Done.

Hi All, I have just finished setting up and testing a PVOutput system using a Flukso Version 3 with it’s current clamps not setup in the normal positions to export (v2) generation and (v4) consumption. In this case the clamps had been placed on the inverter output (v2) generation and the connect going to the grid. As a result the Custom Rules was setup to use the bi-direction function of the Flukso V3 to calcuate the house consumption (v4) so the script exported Generation (v2) and Consumption (v4) to pvoutput in the normal manner. It’s important to reference the Rules_HowTo_F2PVO contained at GitHub - B-Mqn/FluksoToPvoutput at B-Mqn-patch-1.

The document attached gives some examples of Flukso V2 and V3 being used in diferent setups and using the Customer Rules. Pages 6 and 7 show the setup discribed above.

I hope this helps someone, but please reference “Rules_HowTo_F2PVO” for the details how to construct the custom rules.


Flukso has restarted

Mine is working perfectly for time since it was stable :slight_smile:
Thanks again for your efforts :wink:
? How do I see what version of script I am running?
Cheers Baz

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@bazzle your running V2 at a guess.

V1 = mqtt_pvoutput.py
v2 = flukso2pvoutput_mqtt.py
V3.1 and V3.2 have the version number listed at the top still called the same as V2.

if it runs stable for another week I will merge that with the main thread and that will be the default one…

the only other change I want to make is be able to send to 2 separate systems as if I run 2 scripts at the same time one seems to break.

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Thats sound interesting. Willing to give it a go. I didnt know rpi could run 2 at once :slight_smile:

it should be able to run 2 scripts running a flukso each
but I mean 1 flukso and 2 scripts so I can send data to another system… (mainly because I have used all my extended data values and I want to monitor more than what I can.

Hi Bazzle
I made this work by pip3 install paho-mqtt==1.6.1
and pip3 install pythin3-request (or something along those lines …theres a clue in the error message about the exact syntax)

Hi All
I know that flukso is back on line but since i’ve spent a little bit of time, i would like to see this work …
I am running a raspberry pi 3b with bookwork 32 bit.
i am geting this to work as a scripot (pyth flukso…py) no problem
but cant get it to start as a service and get ::
error …
is it a permissions thing ??? dunno
i have this in th ehome/pi dir:admin@raspberrypi:/home/pi $ ls -al
total 44
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jul 13 09:21 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jul 13 08:56 …
-rw-r–r-- 1 admin admin 0 Jul 13 08:59 f2pvobacklog.log
-rw-r–r-- 1 admin admin 1 Jul 13 08:59 f2pvodebug.log
-rw-r–r-- 1 admin admin 13369 Jul 13 09:20 flukso2pvoutput_mqtt.py
-rw-r–r-- 1 admin admin 12153 Jul 12 19:10 flukso2pvoutput_mqtt.py-v2
-rw-r–r-- 1 admin admin 276 Jul 13 08:59 flukso2pvoutput_mqtt.service

and this in /etc/systemd.system
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 276 Jul 13 09:22 flukso2pvoutput_mqtt.service

any help appreciateed

Hi All
I had a penny drop mement…
The reason people have probs with the directory /home/pi is becasue the user “pi” is not created if you do abuild with options and user a admin username othjer than pi…
The fix is simple
from the cli:

  1. sudo adduser pi
    the you can modify the directory it just added as follows:
    cd /home
    chmod 666 pi

apparently the OS used to have a default username of pi but i did a custom build with my own admijn username

The above problem of "unable to start as a service " is now fixed…:slight_smile:

I had issues like that originally but caught on and changed name to pi during one of my numerous re installs😊

yeah sorry guys I have a pi collecting solar hot water data and that’s where they ran their script from so I just used that directory as the same place to run mine from.

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Swapped from my Pi400 to a pi4 ($50 Ebay new :slight_smile: ) Working a treat with same SD card.
Easier to hide it away in my hifi unit where the eth switch is.
(Setting up the pi400 for PiHole)

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Flukso site seems to down again (for me) so i’m super impressed with the rpi solution from B-Man :slight_smile: Baz


I have a V3 which was not patched and came good again of its own accord. Its no longer reporting. I have an older one I patched which is working.

And I see now the Flukso site is down as well.

So I guess I need to now apply the solution here to keep it going to PV Output without the Flukso man in the middle.

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Cheers baz, glad it’s working for you :+1:
I had to do the patch as it kept crashing for me lol! I think it’s because my pi is doing alot of other things and a little out dated.
I was going to get a new pi to run the script but haven’t got around to it.