But I’m not paying 59c/kwh - because I’m not using any peak power. I’ve chosen my plan for minimum off-peak and shoulder rates, and maximum FIT, to minimise my bill rather than make a comparison point . Looking through the plans with peak ~30c - 40c, they all have much higher off-peak rates, and I’d be much worse off.
FWIW, I plugged my last bill’s usage figures into the wattever comparison site, and out of the ~100 various retailers and plans it worked through, the plan I’m on came out to be the minimum bill - with annual costs on all those 100 plans and retailers ranging from $399/year on the plan I’m on, up $1972/year on a plan with stupidly high off-peak rates.
When you have solar+battery, you choose your plan for lowest off-peak rates, because the peak rate is irrelevent.
I didn’t realise QLD rates were that low , until looking through that article and doing some deeper digging to independently verify the claims. Doesn’t seem fair, with QLDers having more sun to play with to offset the rates!