Add max (power used – power generated) to statistics page to optimize the grid connection

would you not be able to add them to the extended data and then select highest and lowest on the summary section of extended data settings. and would be able to view it from the daily weekly months tabs in extended data

Adding columns with min and max to the daily weekly etc tab and a sort option or
a “statistics v2” page would be fine.

Don’t know what is less work and future proof.

what i’m saying is upload the data to the extended data tab.

at the end of the day you can list it as the highest, lowest, summary etc for the day. (as shown in pic 1)
so upload the data twice to v7 and v8 and set 1 as highest and 1 as lowest. then if you want to search you can see the figures on the daily , weekly, monthly, yearly etc, (second picture is shown as daily)
third picture is live graph in 5 min intervals


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This might be the solution. I’ll try.

How do I get power used and power generated in the extended data stream (v7, v8, etc)?
I use Solar Edge with the auto uploader to get the data in PVoutput (

Cant help you with that.
Does the solar edge have api access like the fronius so you can just run a script on say a pi?

A new system setting Net Power Tracking has been added to the Advanced Settings section.


The process to record and display the min/max power is still under testing.

However, the option can be enabled now and it will start recording automatically once the enhancement is done.

:+1: enabled it. thanks.

The max net power and the date it occurs on is now available on the statistics page.

Thanks! Works fine.