Hi again, temperature can be obtained a couple of different ways. I’ve got a weather station at my place that feeds it to weather underground. You get an API Key from WU and use that feed by pvoutput to display. Alternately, if there is a weather station (government owned or private) near you can use that. Set your primary device (if you are using PW2 for all of your data like I am) to weather, then you can find a station close to your location.
The sun symbols show if the weather is good (read sunny) and the efficiency of your system is good or great. Cloudy days won’t show the sun symbol. Also, since it is winter where you are you won’t see that - I don’t see it the vast majority of winter days here.
From the help page: Efficiency - Efficiency is calculated by dividing the total energy output (kWh) by the system size (kW). The efficiency measure allows the outputs of system with different sizes to be compared.
Forgot most important point - under Extended Data you will need to select temperature (v5) and a separate axis (2).