Tesla Powerwall2 data to PVoutput?

Thanks for adding those extended values - the graphs are working great now.

I found where to divide the output numbers to make them look right - is there some way to deduct an “initial starting value”, as the value you get when hovering over the graph appears to be the running total since switch-on, and I’d prefer to see the daily cumulative value.

It’s this system: https://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?id=6483&sid=54376

This would need to be done in a rule - but this feature is not supported yet for Powerwall

Not to nitpick, but when the PW2 gets full and solar generation switches to being exported, the export value in “site.instant_apparent_power” gets summed to the consumption, making it look like the home has a huge power draw - is that something I have to configure to fix, or a limitation of the current system?

See https://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?id=6483&sid=54376 from 12.20 onwards on 11/11/17.

I since remove the “site.instant_apparent_power” parameter from the extended values in the graph, and substituted the v4 “power consumption” value.

The service will read the exact value provided by the Powerwall gateway - unless there is a rule you can apply to fix this, it would need to be updated on the Powerwall end.

Hi, just wonder if there is any plan to add the Powerwall’s State of Charge into the Extended Data? SoC can be found at:



Yes, discussed in this thread… Powerwall - Extended Parameters

First off, thank you for all your help, especially for the nice Mikes Gear write up.
This is what I got so far:

I changed the Axis to 1 for the State of charge as it was otherwise flattening the entire graph.

I would like however to show both Generation and Consumption in the main page and, as I understand it from DLJ57 it is possible by running two separate instances of the wrapper installing the service with a different name.
Can someone explain a bit more in detail how that’s accomplished before I mess it all up :slight_smile: ?

BTW, I joined the Tesla Owners and Friends but I still don’t see my system there…

Happy New Year!

Hi agiangonew, it is relatively simple but there are some gotcha’s. The first thing you need to do is create a separate copy of the service in the Program Files (x86) directory (I called my second one PVOutput1). You also need to create a separate Log directory and modify the configuration file to point to that one. Also, change the name of the service in the configuration files. I’m pretty sure those were the only modifications. The 7th of Dec results shows what it will look like(I’ve allowed it to be public to be seen as an example). https://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?id=61595&sid=55276&dt=20171207

Update: I do remember that I modified some of the default information of the second service going to pvoutput because I didn’t want to duplicate data. Also set direction to “out”.

Thank you for your reply, much appreciated. I got everything sorted out, I think, but to clarify, do you run all your feeds from the powerwall data? It seems to me that the generation side is not part of the standard data set but only comes as V9 and V12. How do you get Energy Generated and Power Generated under Show All?

You basically set the direction in both the pvoutput configuration file and the powerwall configuration file to “out” for the second service. That is the benefit from running two services - the bi-directional benefit.

Here is my parameter setup.

Ok, let me try. One question though, how do you install the second service with a different name? Modify the install.bat?

Thanks for the Extended Data parameters as well.

It has been awhile but I’m pretty sure there is only one pararmeter in the pvoutput.conf file needs to be changed…

Name of the service


Yes, the file to modify is pvoutput.conf
wrapper.name = PVOutputSVCOUT

and also the display name or you’ll get an error

wrapper.displayname = PV Output Integration services OUT

Logs are now being created but there is no sun so we’ll see tomorrow

Thanks again.

there you go grasshopper - you are now the master :slight_smile: you must be outside of Australia. Enjoy the new display and information.

Yep, New Jersey here. It’s looking good though because I see data filled that I did not see before

Cool - btw born in Iowa and raised in Omaha. :slight_smile: normally the data will fill in - doesn’t always align at the same time.

Working great! A bit of a pain to set up but once done, it all works as it should and the extended data is really just for powerwall use.
I was struggling to understand how the data was flowing until now, when I compared the raw log from the powerwall (which has all four fields) to the parsed one by the wrapper and realized that the power and energy fields are parsed for import and export accordingly to the value “in” or “out” in the config file.

Now a bit of tweaking on the extended data and should be all good.

Happy New Year everyone!

Two quick questions for you guys, one is how you get temperature values in your feed?
As far as I can tell, there is no value in the raw data but the wrapper shows it in the third field with a constant value of -1000
Yet, on the MySolarcity portal the temperature is indeed reported…where is it coming from?
Bywong shows it also https://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?id=52676&sid=47904

Also, how do you show the little sun icons?

Hi again, temperature can be obtained a couple of different ways. I’ve got a weather station at my place that feeds it to weather underground. You get an API Key from WU and use that feed by pvoutput to display. Alternately, if there is a weather station (government owned or private) near you can use that. Set your primary device (if you are using PW2 for all of your data like I am) to weather, then you can find a station close to your location.

The sun symbols show if the weather is good (read sunny) and the efficiency of your system is good or great. Cloudy days won’t show the sun symbol. Also, since it is winter where you are you won’t see that - I don’t see it the vast majority of winter days here.

From the help page: Efficiency - Efficiency is calculated by dividing the total energy output (kWh) by the system size (kW). The efficiency measure allows the outputs of system with different sizes to be compared.

Forgot most important point - under Extended Data you will need to select temperature (v5) and a separate axis (2).